Name: Jerry Aki Sugoku
Species and race: Human - Half Chinese Half Japanese
Age, gender and element: 24, Male, Light
Faction: Desk Jockey for Silver Hammer INC
Appearance: Jerry is a sad sight to be honest. He's almost never properly out when the suns up so he's paler than usual, he's thin but somehow he's still fit and sweet heavens is he tall for a human standing at a surprising 210 cms which gave him the funny nicknames in his office "Suit Monkey" and "Skinwalker" being two of them. Image below
Background: Born in Kyoto to an Chinese Mother and Japanese Father, Jerry or Aki as his family calls him never really got in that much trouble. He was a calm and collected kid who just wanted to study and train martial arts and so he did. His father owned a dojo where he trained all sorts of martial arts though he was most interested in Bōjutsu and different hand to hand techniques which his father meant was a shame, since his father wanted him to study kendo and iai-jutsu. Jerry lived a surprisingly pleasent and quiet life until he was 16 where he protected his father from the local hoodlums though they were hurt and beaten unconcious, they weren't killed which was the thing that in the end, came back to bite Jerry in the ass. One day while Jerry was taking late supplementary classes at a evening school, his family dojo and home was attacked by the Yakuza as revenge for Jerry taking out the hoodlums that were under them and Jerry came home to a burnt down childhood home and 4 goons who came to finish Jerry, but with a burnt Bo-staff from his old and gone dojo, Jerry took his first lives though left one crippled for life after taking all the information he could beat out of the poor Nekoid. Jerry went to the safe house the rest of goons and the leader were at with his parents. Jerry literally beat and killed his way to the top of the building, where he finally met the leader who was impressed with Jerry's motivation, his spirit and his rage. But he gave Jerry an ultimatum, either he would kill Jerry's parents infront of him and let Jerry kill him or he let Jerry's parents go and the group would pay for the rebuilding of the dojo and family home
but. Jerry had to leave the country and go somewhere else and if he ever took a step into Japan, the leader would know. And his family would be killed on the spot. Left with no other choice, Jerry acccepted the second deal. After leaving Japan, he went to Germany to study business where he graduated and got a job as a customer service desk jockey which the corp is calling an "intern" job.
Birth magi: TBA
Profession: Novice Infiltrator
Level and experience: Level 5 - 0/540 XP
6- STR
7- DEX
5- PER
8- VIT
7- INT
5 - EMO
6 - SAU
Reinforced Suit outfit from Silver Hammer (He worked as a customer service desk jockey, so he met people face to face and got complaints... It makes sense.)
Barely Empty Pack of Cigarettes at least 17 left.
Human revolution: +1 PER when using firearms.
Human oppression: -1 VIT when getting hit by magic attacks. Lasts 1 round.
Pugilist - Weapons are for boys. Fists are for men. When engaging in hand-to-hand combat, get +2 STR and +1 DEX
LVL 2 perk. +2 STR and +1 DEX when using hand-to-hand combat. (Includes fist/leg weapons ex knuckle dusters)
Known skills:
Kung-fu - Can't go wrong with the classics. Kung-fu is a fighting style useful for those who want to perform blunt attacks with a bit more grace. It can be used when unarmed, or when using blunt weaponry such as batons or polearms. Extra style points if you use nunchuks. It focuses on hard hitting strikes, meant to beat the opponent black and blue.
LVL 1 offensive skill. Requires 5 STR. Increases blunt damage by a degree. Works with Unarmed and Blunt weaponry.
Power strike - By channelling all inner power to one's arms, a melee fighter can strike with all its might. This skill slows your speed, but increases your damage.
LVL 1 skill. Requires 5 STR. Halves actions per round, but increases injury caused by succesful hits by a degree.
Tongues - You know enough linguistics that you can attempt to converse with someone speaking a related language to one you know, even if you don't know that exact language. You'll make grammatical mistakes and sound like a morron, but hey! If it works, it works!
LVL 2 skill. Requires 7 INT.
Judo - Why have your fists do all the work when gravity can hit harder? With Judo, the focus lays on repeatedly throwing your enemy around, preferably into the ground. Useful if you want to remain non-lethal. Can only be used as an unarmed combat style.
LVL 2 offensive skill. Requires 6 STR. Converts unarmed blunt damage into shock damage. Only works with unarmed attacks.
Karaoke - Singing the lyrics of a song, one can inspire any ally within earshot. A 'soft' song enhances EMO, while a high paced song enhances STR.
LVL 3 skill. +1 EMO or STR to anyone who can hear it.
CQC-armlock - Using close quarter combat is an essential skill for skilled infiltrators. This particular skill allows the infiltrator to, when sneaking up behind a minor NPC and keep the victim in lock. Allowing the user to perform a sneak attack, even though the target is aware of their presence. Alternatively, the user can knock out the victim or spend a round interrogating the victim. The victim is disarmed in this process.
LVL 3 skill. Requires 5 STR and 6 DEX.
Dodge - It is not just Strength that wins a fight, and this skill is one that proves it. The user makes use of their dexterity to fancily make their way out of a dangerous situation.
LVL 3 skill. Requires 7 DEX. Doubles DEX score towards dodging. Consume additional LVL 1 skill to avoid additional attacks in the same round that would normally hit.
CQC-combat - Using close quarter combat is an essential skill for skilled infiltrators. This passive skill can be activated after performing an unarmed or knife attack. Attacks stun the target for a round, and allow the user to follow up with another set of attacks before anyone else has time to interfere. Only works when surprising the target.
LVL 4 skill. Requires 7 DEX.
Skill slots:
8 - 1st level
7 - 2nd
7 - 3rd
4 - 4th
2 - 5th
Known spells:
Light orb - Fire small light pellets. Novice level magic that any light caster could use. Acts much like bullets.
LVL 1 projectile spell. Does Light damage.
Spell slots:
5 - 1st level
4 - 2nd
3 - 3rd
2 - 4th
1 - 5th