Post by Crowco Cooper on Jul 5, 2016 17:27:29 GMT
Codex entry - Factions People do love being part of a group. The larger groups of this world are called factions. Find your purpose in them, along with the many other members of these great organisations.
Job description - most factions have job descriptions, allowing you to understand what kind of jobs they can expect to undertake as part of them.
[PTabbedContent] [PTab=SRT] SRT - Supernatural Response Team A group of people and creatures all banding together no matter what race or species they belong to, to help fight off any threat to the security of the world and strives to end the racism between humans and supernaturals. They are funded by every country in the world besides China. An internationally crowdfunded superarmy that serves as a bulwark against conflicts. Its recruiting system is simple. Anyone from ages 18 to 26 can enlist to the army with a lifetime contract. They are first given minimal gear and sent out on easy peacekeeping jobs which build up in hardship as their gear also is expanded. This questionable experience-training has served to be a great way of mixing a large number of units with actual experience among the soldiers. All that enlist are paid fluctuating amounts of money for every mission they partake in. Sometimes these payments can go up to 10.000 dollars, making the job quite desirable especially for those in poor upcome. The army is dedicated to the maintenance of local groups and upholding the peace. When countries come in conflict, or when monsters run rampant, they are called upon. Their headquarters are located in the state of New York, but they have bases all over the world. Its leader is a man known as 'The General'.
Unlike commonly expected, SRT barely ever meddles with criminal organisations. They have no interest in stopping them, as their jurisdiction often does not cross over into their terrain. The only criminal organisations they actively interfere with are ones branded as terrorists, or ones that are supporting terrorists. On a rare occasion, SRT might get involved with local police enforcement when some gang is suspected of using monsters as slave labour, or making use of illegal magic. But other than that they have a neutral stance.
The SRT consists of multiple 'companies' which are headed by their individual generals. For example, the T-Company - led by General Cox - is the anti-terrorism company, with regiments entirely dedicated to interfering with terrorists insurgencies. The following is a list of all the companies;
A-Company ; SRT Airforces, led by General Kaethis While jet fighters and helicopter pilots are the bulk of this division, it hasn't gone lost on SRT that dragons and griffin riders serve just as well for the purpose of air superiority. - Airborne combat
B-Company ; SRT Artillery and armour divisions, led by General Bulldough - vehicular combat
E-Company ; SRT Logistics and Engineering division, led by general Dalas - defence organisation - logistical support
H-Company ; SRT Hunting division, led by General Jachtman The SRT's version of the Riesen Jagd Armee. H-division dedicates itself solely to the maintenance of wildlife numbers, specifically in the culling of dangerous species. - monster hunting
I-Company ; SRT Infantry division, led by General Hethaway (by far the largest company) This company, making up the bulk of SRT's forces, generally concerns itself with patrolling cities, highways among other logistic routes, and serving as reinforcement for the other divisions. Roughly half of the SRT-allied countries' populuce have served with this company for a certain period of time. They generally don't see much action. - guard duty - reinforcements of other divisions - during wartime; shock troopers
K-Company ; SRT Medical division, led by General Namco - medical support - combat support
M-Company ; SRT Mages Division, led by General Taeko - wall ward maintenance - magical combat support
N-Company ; SRT Naval division, led by General Nayat N-company consists partly of sailors who operate SRT's giant naval fleet, and on the other part of marine soldiers specialised in naval and amphibious assault simply called 'marines'. - safeguarding naval logistics - naval combat - amphibious assault
R-Company ; SRT Research division, led by General Ziyar The world holds many secrets. Be it that those secrets can be discovered through mathematics, experimentation, or archeology; R-company strives to be at the forefront of this endeavour. Other companies might jealously complain that they 'get paid to play with flamethrowers all day' but i assure you that's not at all true. What do they do, you ask? Well...On to the next one. - research of tech - testing of tech - archaeology
S-Company ; SRT Ranger division, led by General Maswitz S-company is entirely dedicated to reconnaisance and espionage, being the SRT's forward operating team. Specialising in both stealth operations requiring long trecks in hostile territory, as well as undercover operations. They are generally considered 'badass' by most other divisions. Except for the marines, who consider them wussies. A small section of the rangers division however dedicates itself to the craft of marksmenship, and are granted the position of snipers. - undercover domestic surveillance - reconnaisance and espionage - black ops sabotage
T-Company ; SRT Anti-terrorism division, led by General Cox T-company is the SRT division dedicated to quashing terrorist cells of magical nature, Or those that pose international threats. Xerna is their current priority, But this doesn't disqualify them from dealing in other forms of policing. For example, criminal enterprises that dabble in any magic-related crimes such as grand scale necromancy or crystal infused drugs will qualify for the label of terrorism due to the potential threat these activities pose to countries. For this reason, they occasionally track down Blinds and helios angels as well. - uprooting xerna operations - fighting domestic terrorism - intervention in criminal syndicates
X-Company ; SRT Special operatives division, led by 'The General'
All companies consist of regiments. While the amount of regiments or the exact number of manpower per regiment varies greatly, there is one common line along most companies. That is that regiment 13 is always made up of criminals. Namely, criminals who have taken the drafting plea. This is a plea that allows them to avoid imprisonment/death sentence in exchange for 5 years of service with SRT. This might sound like a very good deal, but that assumption might fade when one realises regiment 13's nickname is 'cannon fodder'.
The SRT was reformed on the 11th of November, 1919. This was in response to the first world war and its horrors. All countries agreed that such a thing should not repeat itself, and thus the Allied put funds together to create one singular army. Only later, after the second world war, did the other countries put their own funds towards the organisation. Only China is excluded from the countries that fund SRT. When the second world war started, SRT had grown large enough to take a stance against the opposing SPR forces. The SRT, supported by the U.S., U.K., Russia, and France among many others, had sided as one warring force. The opposing force, being the nazis who were the forerunners of SPR, were supported by Germany, Italy and China. These countries fought until a final two beatings were delivered to the nazis. While the Russians had, in secret, created and deployed Nuclear weaponry, the U.S. on its own had also found a superweapon. In 1945, Russia dropped a singular nuclear bomb onto Rome, causing for Italy to surrender and Germany become incredibly demoralised. In the same month, SRT launched an attack using an ancient dragon. Its terrible power scorched China so badly that its population was halved, thus causing for both instant surrender and a deep-rooted hatred towards the SRT. After the second world war, the nazis disbanded and the remaining countries were divided. Russia wanted to own the countries that had surrendered, but the other SRT-supporting countries wanted to deny Russia this right. Thus started a cold war between the defecting Russia and the slowly accumulating SRT. This divide caused for the events that made SPR return. At the end of world war 2, the countries that had originally sided with the SPR slowly converted to SRT. The last country to convert to the SRT, that being Russia, converted on November 1989. To this date SRT has always allowed for any able-bodied humanoid to join, regardless of their species and/or race. The SRT holds its main R&D team in Austria, which explains why most of their weaponry are developed by the Heckler&Koch weapons industry.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=ULF] ULF - United Liberation Front
The ULF has disbanded, with all of its prior lands now being occupied by the SRT. Some remnants of the faction remain in the Church of Saint James faction.
Following the rapidly growing civil war in china, a new faction arose from the combination of the Heretics and the People's Liberation army. A radical anti-pantheon movement which took China by storm. It has since pushed the SPR from its home territory and in the process taken much of its arsenal as its own. This led them to establishing the United Liberated Dominions, consisting of puppet states that maintain their own 'country' while remaining at the heel of the ULF. Their bar of entry is simple; to join, you must believe that the gods are evil and must be overthrown. Their major targets are religious enclaves and places of worship. But more than anything, the ULF preys on vassals and draemora.
Joining this faction demands a great deal of secrecy, as any player character is by default a target of this group. Their ranks are divided into several categories;
Hereticals: Anti-religious division - Finding the religious enclaves, political opposition, vassals and draemora - Eliminating religious enclaves and political opposition
Liberators: Guards division - Guard duty - Logistic patrols
Dragoons: Vehicular division - Airforce - Armored forces - Tamed forces
Old hunters: Spec ops - Consists almost entirely of enslaved, undead vassals - Tracking and capturing vassals/draemora
The ULF is led by a person often called the 'Godeater' or 'Grey Hunter'. His real name is Vladimir Rasputin (yes, descendant from that rasputin). He himself is a vassal who has engorged himself on draemora, dominating them utterly rather than submitting to them. It is unknown how or why he does this; but his hatred for draemora and gods is undisputed, and shared with his many followers.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=SPR]
As of 2024, the SPR has disbanded following their declining strength and summary assassination of top-level commanders.
SPR - Supernatural Purification Regiment Another internationally crowdfunded superarmy. However, this army is dedicated to the eradication of all things magical. Due to the fact that for many ages humanics have been subject to racism from supernaturals and acting as the slaves of the much stronger magii's, their rage has become an iron fist now known as the SPR. They have the same recruitment system as the SRT, but absolutely exclude any form of magic being used. Their headquarters were located in Northern Russia. SPR has made it clear that any and all members of the SPR and all residents on its land are not allowed to use magic. There have been rumors of artificial magic being made and thus condoned by SPR, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Since 2023, the SPR has been pushed from its home territory. Few outposts of their forces remain and they have mostly gone underground.
You can only join this faction as a human, dwarf or giant. It is possible to join as a changeling or cahtung but you will have to keep that identity hidden.
SPR is under-divided, just like SRT, into several divisions. These are as follows;
Cavalry ; SPR Armour and artillery division - Vehicular combat
Caravanists ; SPR Guarding division - Guard duty - Logistic patrols
Hussars ; SPR Airforce division - Air combat
Inquistors ; SPR Non-humanics division The Inquisitors are a division dedicated to finding and dealing with non-humanics, as well as political opponents and rebels hiding in urban areas. The 'dealing with' part normally is done in one of two ways. Both of which come down to one... Final solution - Genocide
Military police ; SPR MP division In a land where martial law is constant, this division takes up the role of police officers.
Exterminus ; SPR Intelligence division This division is dedicated to gathering intelligence, espionage and surveillance. Comparable to SRT's ranger division, but racist.
When the second world war ended, some nazis fled to east Russia in an attempt to get away from the supernaturals that would have them prosecuted. It was when they arrived in Eastern Russia that they found scientific evidence through questionable, non-disclosed methods that supernaturals actually stemmed off from humans through evolution. This disproved the generally believed theory that humans were created to serve the divine supernaturals and caused for an uproar in Eastern Russia among the communistically oppressed humans who had lived in servitude all their lives. They rebelled, and with Russia's force being weakened from the war, they won a foothold. China almost immediately joined their cause, wanting revenge for what the SRT had done to them, and thus funded the newly organized SPR. To this date, a cold civil war rages on between the SPR and Russian government, which has yet to stop. The Russian government dares not to attack because they realized they would loose from the SPR force, while the SPR avoided attacking the Russian government because they were backed by the SRT and thus would be destroyed after a costly attack with the SRT counterattack. The SPR continuously develops new weapons with aims of producing enough power to take over Russia without SRT destroying them. During the older revolutionary wars, many humans fled from U.S. to Russia, which caused for many gun-making family lines to take their seat in Russia and produce money from a distance. This explains why weapons such as the m16 and tanks like the Abrams are owned by the SPR, rather than the U.S.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Xerna] Xerna - Insurgency A criminal conglomerate, responsible for multiple countries within south america to turn into narco-states. Their reach spread far and wide. No criminal organisation worth their salt goes without their connections to them. Their funds are considerably lacking compared to organisations like SRT and SPR, but they make up for this by using guerilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics. They mostly use stealth to get to their goals. Their headquarters are somewhere in Brazil, namely in the amazons. They have a five-man leadership.
Cartel ; Xerna's moneymakers, led by Garcia The cartel forms the backbone of Xerna. Handling in everything related to money. Whether that be through drugs, weapons, exotic exports, or simple theft.
Sicario ; Xerna enforcers, led by Hermanos The enforcers of Xerna's influence within their regions of control. These enforcers handle anyone who dares stand against Xerna. Be it by intimidating politicians, squashing local rebellions, or taking international army forces head on.
Dios muerte ; Xerna assassins, led by Smith Intelligence, subterfuge, and a whole lot of blood. The Dios Muerte are dedicated to using the art of stealth to both gather information, perform high-profile heists, and assassinate important targets.
Armoire ; Xerna vehicular division, led by Emar Terrifying though it may be. Xerna has enough funds to have its own airforce, battleships, tanks and submarines. A small sized fleet, but enough to take over a decently sized country by force.
Omega ; Xerna spec ops division, led by 'The assassin' An elite division of deadly soldiers, able to rival the likes of SRT's and SPR's special ops. Their nicknames are all those of new dranleish letters.
Although nobody seems to be able to say for certain exactly how Xerna was organized in the first place, it is widely known that they grew to fame through large-scale drug export and bank robberies in South America, which began roughly around the 1950-60's. They quickly gained a grand foothold through their drug-funded army. Although they aren't backed by any army, they are most definitely a world power through their large funds, which are expected to be grand enough to be able to afford two nuclear flight deck ships. This terrorist organization is led by the elusive "assassin" and his four officers. Nobody seems to know exactly who the assassin is, but it is known that the assassin is capable of void magic that comes close to that of even the general himself.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=UAF] UAF - United Armed Forces of eastern nations. Members of this coalition are Middle Eastern countries in order to better combat enemies of the people of their lands and the monsters that seek to destroy them. They mainly deal with religiously fuelled conflicts.
The countries that have banded are the following: Israel, Oman, Iraq, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey. They are focused mainly around those areas specifically and defending against rampant radicals or threats to their citizens or investments. By investments, they mean magical artefacts, a number of very productive ports, oil fields, and valuable industries. Just how much they should focus on protecting their source of income versus their people? That very topic is a source of conflict between the head of the UAF, the leaders of respective allied countries, and heads of military argue. Some say to invest in more defences for their cities, others say to focus on their oil fields and excavations, and others still cling to the idea of arming like minded groups. Long story short, there are many opinions in how to act that it is often hard for the UAF to make concrete or difficult decisions. It is due to that they are indecisive and have conflicting goals that they sometimes clash with the SRT. Not exactly sworn enemies, but they are not always on the best of terms. There are also a large number of cases in which local militants or Xerna operative joining for weapons and training in order to defect, meaning there is typically a feeling of paranoia among them.
The leader of the UAF is the Aluf, the current one being a Turkish-born Hadar Tigin. Said man is an aged Dark-Elf who has a long and successful military career in their militaries and ones before it. Before serving as the Aluf he served in the Ottoman Empire, and then in the Turkish military before attaining his current position.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=ADF] ADF - Automated Defence Forces The remnants of a faction once immensely powerful. This faction exists completely of constructs, survivors of the old medieval ages where they fought for the freedom of slaves. After centuries of hiding away and being on the run after the death of the soulweaver, the Soulweaver army slowly surmised into their modern day form. A band of mercenaries with a rich history in attempts to make artificial life to replenish their numbers. Failing constantly to do so; Until 2017.
During 2017, it was first discovered how to create artificial souls. By injecting a potent crystalline module with biological components that would essentially inseminate the crystal like an egg. The ADF immediately got to work setting up factories and building new automatons, powered by these artificial souls. But it was not until the battle for Jerusalem in 2020 that they became relevant as a major faction.
Their leader, known as the bride of the soulweaver, is Gwyndolin. She leads her company through a set of generals, who each have been around since the very battles of the soulweaver wars. The company is mostly made up of automatons, be they constructs or robots. With their base of operations settled in Japan, the ADF make good use of the scholars of Cogniti who provide them with more and more research on how to further their designs.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Black March] Black March Few names instill fear as greatly as the Black March does. A legion of corpses, influenced by the black blood disease that turns sentient creatures into intelligent but obedient undead slaves. The faction was responsible for the taking of Jerusalem in 2020. Now, four years later, they have finally decided to march away from their landing ground and on to different cities. They have been capturing land, unstopped by any who come their way.
The Black March is led by the trickster and necromancer Riachi; a vassal containing one of the three fragments of the all-god. Of all the fragments, this one is considered to be the most sadistic and evil, dead set on converting all life on earth to his legion. Nigh to nothing can stop his onslaught. Some vassals and people have willingly converted to the Black March. Though it is hard to imagine why they would; after all, all those who join are afflicted by the Black Blood disease and its touch of corruption.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Aetheri] Aetheri invictus 'The empire of souls' is an empire created long ago by the Decapodians. A species of intelligent life from a world created long ago by the all-god, and subsequently abandoned by the all-god after its failure. What was not expected at the time, was that one surviving Draemora known as the Navigator taught the decapodians how to make advanced machines which could harness souls and use them as fuel for grand machines. Thousands of years have since passed. The decapodians being lifted up into a grand, advanced civilisation that struggles to understand its own machinations. They have created a religion dedicated to the 'machine god' in order to come to terms with their newfound immortality. Any member of the invictus does not die. They simply join the machines to fuel and operate ever growing infrastructure. Just about every device and machine they create is thus concious. But without death, there is no reducing force in their size. The constant growth forces the Aetheri to continuously seek out draemora. These divine beings allow them to power even the greatest of ships and home stations which support their grand empire. Besides this, it is only the draemora souls which allow for travel between worlds. Making them the most priced resource to the Aetheri.
There seems to be a constant driving force chasing the Aetheri from world to world. An onset degeneration in worlds that are deprived of draemora. They call this the everfrost. Named after the steady decrease of temperature that comes with worlds being swallowed up by the void. No world remains habitable for long and thus they keep moving. Waging war on new worlds and hunting down draemora wherever they go. In doing so, they absorb intelligent cultures and native creatures into their machines and society. Only the Decapodians can hold positions of power in society, but one might find a myriad of alien species among their population. Such as their latest addition; The moth people of Novalis. A world deprived of solid ground, where everything floats and flies within the convines of its stratosphere. As such, so too do all of the Aetheri's home stations and ships fly.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Religious enclave] Religious enclaves The world knows many gods. And with those many gods come their followers. Each and every god has a religious following that seeks to perform work in their name. If you wish to become a holy (or unholy) warrior in the name of a god, joining them is quite easy. Though some few factions do require the highest of standards to be fullfilled.
Spartans The spartans are legendary warriors that adhere to Arrior and Arrior alone. Their power is enough to make any army tremble, no matter how few of them stand against that army. - religious warfare
Immortals The army of Mortalis. Consisting always of 500 revenants. Never more and never less. Those that serve as immortals are bound to serve, for their access to the afterlife can only be regained once they please Mortalis' will. - religious warfare
Zerna priestesses Some of the most popular priestesses in the world. Trained in both combat and healing magic. To join them there is but one condition. You must be a woman. - religious warfare - guarding smaller settlements
Justiciars Hailing Justicia, these viro count themselves within the justicial system. Be they judges, lawyers, cops or bounty hunters. They all work to get criminals in jail, and get paid for their work well. Justiciars especially are a force to be reckoned with. Being an amalgamation of private investigators and bounty hunters; they help out local police whenever they can. - policing - bounty hunting - investigation - practicing law
Oiche's shadow-army Not so much an army as a collection of thieves, spies, assassins, politicians, influencers and diplomats. Oiche's never been one for open warfare, but rather for influencing the world from the shadows it's bright leaders cast. - espionage - black mail - assassination
Solaris' hailmerrymen An old order of knights, that still caries strong to this day. The hailmerrymen seek to help the disadvantaged, going through war torn lands to safeguard it's victims no matter their alignment. - RETAKING JERUSALEM - guarding smaller settlements
Krysomis' cultist Mysterious and chaotic. Krysomis is considered a mad god by some. Whether he is mad is unknown, but its followers certainly are. - terrorism
Riesen-jagd armee Another old order, started by Aria. A group of hunters, intent on taking down the threats that the wilds pose to society on equal grounds. They are often depicted riding griffins and hunting down dragons, which happen to be their favourite prey. But regardless of their reputation of dragon hunters, they have dedicated themselves to breeding dragons in order to increase their numbers, as the verdict of Aria demands from them. They have their headquarters in Liechtenstein, an old castle-turned-city, in the Alps. But they have offices all over the world, from which they pay good money for freelancers capable of bringing in specific trophies. - monster hunting - monster taming
Ilchimaca's hunters Unlike the riesen-jagd armee, these hunters don't care much for equal footing. Massacring wildlife is all they care for. The viro are the apex predators, and should behave as such. - monster hunting
Church of Saint James The church of Saint James hails to the figure of Vladimir Rasputin, dubbed 'Saint James'. This faction is staunchly anti-religion, with their status as a religious faction being an ironeous one. They believe the world belongs to the viro and as such, the different gods and draemora have no place in the world. They are openly hostile to any draemora and only hesitantly accepting of vasals that show great aversion for their draemora.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Minor faction] Minor faction Out there in the world are plenty of gangsters and mercenary groups trying to make a name for themselves. Below are those groups.
Blinds A gun and drug running gang, known for their love of centring their entire gang's aesthetics around poker. They are active all over the world. The blinds have four major sub-sections. Known as the clovers, The spades, the diamonds and the hearts. Each of these have their own area of control and have their specialisation in how they make their money. But in general, all members are quite the fans of betting, wagers and playing games. There is common saying among the blinds; "Never honour a shitty deal, But always honour a shitty bet."
The clovers are the European part of the blinds organisation. Established out of a former IRA split off gang that lost its appetite for Irish nationalism when it learned of the profits of selling drugs. Known as the Cloverfield gang after the family name of its leaders, they were later taken in to be part of the blinds. - drugs manufacturing - drugs sale
The diamonds reign supreme in asia, siberia and many coastal cities. Specialising in crystal trade, drug trade, the the general smuggling of just about everything. They are organised experts who can - for the right price - move just about anything anywhere at anytime. - smuggling - fencing items
HexTech A private company created by Harold Birren for the purpose of researching modern magic and guarding those attempts. Hextech has had a major presence in both Marina and Crysa, where it performs most of its research on magic. The multi-billion dollar coorporation has however come under fire due to its involvement in Marina with the Flaura. Having been the ones to make first contact, they were less-than-friendly on the subject of land ownership. - research - expeditions
People's liberation army A rebel army active in siberia. The army does its very best to overthrow the far more powerful SPR regime, but has been consistently overrun and underpowered in comparison. - guerrilla warfare
Helios' angels A gang of bikers found often in the southern and western reaches of America. These bikers like to flaunt with a cowboyish theme, wielding revolvers and wearing fancy cowboy hats. While most find this style obnoxious, it doesn't stop them from being a force to be reckoned with in the drug market. - yeehaw - weapon selling - drugs selling
Silver hammer Incorporated A company known widely for two things; Making excellent equipment for freelancing adventurers, and really shitty tv commercials. The silver hammer started out in 2020 when a man known as Jack Smith inherited the Silver Hammer workshop from his former mentor. Using his innate and overwhelming ability to learn and handle just about any practical science with ease, Jack came to create quite extraordinary items. Hybridised weaponry, excellent armour, unusual potions... His outlandishness won him a lot of success and by the time 2021 rolled around, the simple workshop had transformed into a multi-million dollar global business.
The heretics A small faction that has seemingly popped out of nowhere. They are highly secretive and incredibly hostile towards the gods. Not much else is known about them.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Private faction] Private faction It's a brave new world out there. Nothing is stopping you from creating your own faction but the limits of your creativity and the limits of your bank account.
You can organise a faction of your own at any time. But besides the name and mission statement, everything else has to be earned through hard work and connections.
Want to have your faction stated here? Then you're first going to have to be recognised by at least one other faction.
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