How to: Levelling upYour level and experience are important to the progression of your character's abilities. The higher your level, the strong your character typically is.
Experience In order to level up, you must gain experience. the threshold for required experience grows by a rule of thumb. At lvl 1, the required EXP is 100. For every level, the threshold increases by 1.5x and then rounded up. Going -
LVL2 : 150
LVL 3 : 225
LVL 4 : 340
LVL 5 : 510
LVL 6 : 765
LVL 7 : 1.150
LVL 8 : 1.725
LVL 9 : 2.590
LVL 10 : 3.885
LVL 11+: 4.000
Repeating the 1.5X formula, the amount of EXP needed to get the next level up increases majorly per level.
From lvl 11 and upward, all level ups take 4.000 exp.
Now, in order for you to get EXP, you have to perform tasks. Be it making a weapon, killing a monster, or completing a mission. Anything that takes effort brings experience.
A rule of thumb to know how much EXP killing something will get you:
(50 x LVL) + bonus = Gained EXP.
For the higher level enemies of 20+, the equation becomes different, as this threshold requires a much greater amount of exp to have any reasonable gain. So for a level 20+ enemy, the equation looks like this;
(50 x LVL2) + bonus = gained exp
Now, what's that bonus? It can be anything really. Be it a sneaking bonus, or an assist.
When you take out an enemy that hasn't noticed you, or do so without anyone else noticing you doing so, you gain an additional 50% EXP.
Assisting in someone else's kill? Perhaps finishing off a wounded target... Assists imply you were not the one to do the most damage to the target. But just because you didn't do the most damage, doesn't mean you won't be rewarded for the effort! Which is why, while it does cut away from the total, an assist doesn't take the EXP away completely. When performing an assist, you get 50% less.
Support bonus. Works kind of like the assist. But instead of giving you EXP for damaging a monster, it gives you half of the total EXP for supporting the most valued attacker. Be it through buffing their weapon or healing them. As long as you were involved in keeping the players that killed the creature alive, you'll get your share.
Solo bonus: If you're a lone wolf, challenges tend to be far more difficult. Without anyone to help you, things tend to go south fast as enemies will exploit your weak points. As such, a x2 factor applies to any kill you make when going it solo.
Out matched bonus: Often times you might find yourself fighting enemies far higher levelled than yourself. When an enemy has twice your level or more though, the reward becomes more significant because the challenge is far greater. Thus, enemies give an additional 25×LVL in the equation for each level that they are higher than you.
Creative bonus. This one is given on the discretion of your staff. If you do some exceptionally creative stuff, you might just earn yourself some extra EXP.
PVP bonus, given for killing another player. This is, naturally, a WHOLE lot tougher than taking out a regular character. For that fact, you get an immense 5x bonus.
Killing however is not the only way to gain EXP. Another way to grow your EXP count is by doing one of the following things;
Creation - By creating or harvesting new things through your profession you can gain EXP. The base calculation for this can be used as follows;
(50 EXP x required profession level (novice = 1, through to master = 5) ) x amount of items used = rewarded EXP
Questlines - Questlines are a series of missions/tasks given by special NPCs or factions. Finishing a single task will give some EXP, but following the entire questline through to the end will grant additional EXP as well as some additional bonuses. Rewards may vary to the discretion of staff.
Special events - By surviving special or random events, one can gain a small amount of EXP. This once again is a reward that may vary to the discretion of staff.
Levelling up When you level up, a number of things can happen. For one, every level up you get to expend a level-up point on one of your stats or perks. You also gain SP, equal to your INT stat, which can be used to buy new spells and skills. Finally, you get MP and BP; these can be used to buy spell and skill slots respectively. MP gain is based on your SAU stat, while BP gain is based on your VIT stat.
Perks For a third and final option, you can spend level-up points on perks. Perks are passive boosts to your character that can give you an edge during battle that other might not enjoy. Only person-controlled characters and some rare high level NPC's can use perks. For more information, click the link in the header of this section.
SPSpell and Skill Points are an essential part of your characters growth. In accordance with your INT stat, you can gain SP with every level up. These Skill and Spell points can be transferred to 'buy' spells and skills for your character to use. You can expend SP at any time in exchange for a skill or spell. The amount of SP needed to gain one is equal to the level of the skill/spell.
The formula for your SP gain is simple; [ LVL x(0.2xINT) = SP ] The maximum amount of SP per level gained is capped at 20 points up to LVL 10, and 40 points afterwards.
Profession SP earned through leveling up aren't just there for increasing your hard stats. They can also be used to increase your profession level. A profession is an occupation that you excel in, like blacksmithing or alchemy. For more information, click the link in the header of this section.
Using the SP, you can increase your profession's level to the next tier. The tiers are: 1SP Novice, 2SP apprentice, 5SP journeyman, 7SP expert and 10SP master.
MP and BPMagic Points are used to buy spell slots, while Body Points are used to buy skill slots. These slots are essentially the 'ammunition' you need in order to use spells and skills. Your SAU score directly translates to the amount of MP you get with every level-up. Your VITx1.25 equals the amount of Body Points you get per level-up. Both MP and BP directly translate to the level of the slot; For example, 3 MP can be used to buy 1 x LVL 3 spell slot, or 3 x LVL 1 spell slots.