Post by Crowco Cooper on Jul 13, 2016 14:47:09 GMT
Perks A useful alternative for the spending of your level-up points. Rather than increasing your 'hard stats' you can use perks to specialise more specifically in certain paths of action that you prefer.
The robotics, cybernetic, and runic perks can only be bought with rp currencies. These can not be acquired through level-up points.
[PTabbedContent] [PTab=Non-combat] Non-combat Not all your abilities have to be oriented towards being the ultimate fighter. These perks will allow you to do things that don't involve killing someone or something.
Multi-lingual - Your character has studied the languages other than their mother's tongue. By getting this perk, you can speak an additional language of your choosing. This does not include old draconic. Can be gotten multiple times. LVL 1 perk
Drivers license - It's important that when you get behind the wheel, you actually know how to drive a manual. LVL 1 perk. Allows the operation of normal land vehicles.
Sailors license - Sailing a ship, be it with a motor or a sail, is not as easy as it seems. LVL 1 perk. Allows the operation of smaller naval vehicles.
Refocus - By converting physical energy into magical energy, or channeling magical energy into one's body, one can adapt to the moment as needed. This perk allows you interchange equally levelled spell and skill slots. You can't have more slots than your maximum normally allows. To use this skill, one has to sacrifice twice the amount of slots; ex. Converting 2x LVL5 skill slot to get 1x LVL5 spell slot. Can be used instantly. LVL 1 skill. Requires SAU 6 and VIT 6.
Barter - When bartering the price of something with an NPC, they will be more lenient towards giving you a lower price. LVL 2 perk. Requires 5 EMO.
Master's touch - Whatever your profession might be, you just seem to have a precise touch to it. Because of this, things you create through your profession cultivate a higher price. LVL 2 perk. Requires profession level to be apprentice or above.
Cypher - You have some fancy ways of thinking. With this perk, you can write cyphers. These cyphers can only be decoded by someone you have taught how to do so, or by a character with a higher INT than you did when writing the cypher. LVL 3 perk. Requires 5 INT.
Actor - You know well how to manipulate and lie. With this perk, you're more likely to be successful when tricking people. LVL 3 perk. Requires 5 EMO.
Alert - You're less likely to be snuck up on, and can often see ambushes coming ahead of time. LVL 5 perk. Requires 6 PER and 6 INT.
Lucky - You just generally have more luck. Gambling, or any other things that involve luck, are generally more likely to go your way. LVL 5 perk. Requires 6 SAU.
Pilots license - Be it a helicopter or an airplane. You know your way around nifty cockpits. LVL 5 perk. Requires 6 INT. Allows the operation of aircrafts.
Strong back - You never were one for inventory management. Just get it all, and use your strong back to not fall over. LVL 6 perk. Requires 7 STR. Halves the DEX and STR debuff caused by encumbrance.
Holster galore - Why limit yourself to three weapons? With holster galore, you can carry an additional two-handed weapon. LVL 6 perk. Requires 7 STR.
Two of a kind - The very favourite of those who dual wield in style. If one has two of the same weapons, the second will not take up any carrying space. LVL 7 perk. Requires 7 DEX and 6 STR.
Captains license - Battleships large enough to rival the energy use of a small city are not quite the same as simple boats. But you've got the skills to steer one. LVL 8 perk. Requires 6 INT and EMO. Allows operation of larger naval vessels.
Old dranleish - A dead and arcane language. Somehow though, you know how to speak and write this illustrious language of the gods. LVL 10 perk. Requires 9 INT.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Melee] Swordsman These perks are oriented towards using melee weaponry. Concerns knives, blades, blunts and polearms.
Pugilist - Weapons are for boys. Fists are for men. When engaging in hand-to-hand combat, get +2 STR and +1 DEX LVL 2 perk. +2 STR and +1 DEX when using hand-to-hand combat. (Includes fist/leg weapons ex knuckle dusters)
Strong hand - You don't have a good hand. You have a best hand. When using blunt weaponry, get +2 STR. LVL 3 perk. +3 STR when using blunt.
Nifty tricks - You can do some cool tricks with your hands, allowing you to use knives better. LVL 3 perk. +3 DEX when using knives.
Long hurl - Throwing spears might be considered stupid. But for you, its deadly. LVL 3 perk. +5 PER when throwing spears.
Hand-eye coordination - Polearms are considered the hardest to master among melee weaponry. Be proud that you managed to master it. LVL 3 perk. +2 DEX and +1 PER when using polearms.
Fencer - Swords are simple, yet effective. But you know better. Swords are sophisticated in your hands. LVL 3 perk. +3 DEX when using swords.
Dual-wielding - What's better than a sword? Two swords! You can wield two one-handed weapons expertly. LVL 5 perk. Requires 6 DEX, 6 STR. +3 DEX when wielding two one-handed weapons.
Hercules-hand - Wielding a two-handed war hammer in a single hand might seem like an impossible feat, but to a tank like you, its the norm. LVL 8 perk. Requires 9 STR. Can wield exclusively two-handed melee weapons as if they were one-handed. Makes dual-wielding two-handed melee weapons possible.
Playing favourites - You don't make it a secret that (insert weapon name here) is your absolute favourite plaything. You perform much better when using it, but also do worse when you don't. LVL 10 perk. +5 in oriented skills when wielding this melee weapon. -1 EMO and SAU when not wielding using favourite weapon.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Gunslinger] Gunslinger These perks are oriented towards using close-quarter firearms to your advantage. Concerns shotguns, revolvers, pistols and sub-machine guns.
Cowboy - You work that big iron on your hip like no other. You're probably Marty Robbin's muse. LVL 3 perk. +3 DEX when using revolvers.
Shotgun surgery - Shooting someone with a shotgun can hardly be called surgery. But hell, it sounds fun. LVL 3 perk. +3 STR when using shotguns.
Operative - Trained, specialised, and disciplined. Those traits are what you use when performing with sub-machine guns. LVL 3 perk. +2 DEX and +1 PER when using sub-machine guns.
Pistol pete - Just because it's small doesn't mean it's not able to pleas- I mean, shoot things effectively. LVL 3 perk. +3 DEX when using pistols.
Twin terror - A real gunslinger doesn't limit itself to a six-shooter. They make it a twelve-shooter. With this perk, you wield two one-handed firearms with great efficiency. LVL 5 perk. Requires 6 DEX, 6 STR. +3 DEX when dualwielding one-handed firearms.
Shotgun surgeon - Pumping a shotgun with one hand is already cool, but doing it twice? Way cooler. LVL 8 perk. Can wield exclusively two-handed firearms as if they were one-handed. Makes dual-wielding two-handed firearms possible
Playing favourites - You don't make it a secret that (insert weapon name here) is your absolute favourite plaything. You perform much better when using it, but also do worse when you don't. LVL 10 perk. +5 in oriented skills when wielding this one-handed weapon. -1 EMO and SAU when not wielding using favourite weapon.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Marksman] Marksman These perks are oriented towards using big guns accurately and effectively. Concerns assault rifles, rifles, LMG's and bows.
Spray 'n pray - Okay, maybe 'accurate' isn't the right word here. But you sure know how to hold down that trigger without having the thing knock out of your hands. LVL 3 perk. +3 STR when using LMG's.
Pointman - For snipers, being patient and accurate is a vital key to working your weapon well. You know this better than anyone. LVL 3 perk. +3 PER when using rifles.
Infatrist - Assault rifles are known to be balanced and effective in a variety of situations. You've tried to make sure you can handle those situations well. LVL 3 perk. +2 STR and +1 PER when using assault rifles.
Bowman - Bows and crossbows might be old weapons that lost their audience hundreds of years ago, but that doesn't mean they're ineffective. In your trained hands, they're as good as any gun. LVL 3 perk. +3 PER when using bows or crossbows.
Playing favourites - You don't make it a secret that (insert weapon name here) is your absolute favourite plaything. You perform much better when using it, but also do worse when you don't. LVL 10 perk. +5 in oriented skills when wielding this two-handed weapon. -1 EMO and SAU when not wielding using favourite weapon.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Mage] Mage The arcane arts are difficult to master, but these perks are bound to help you.
Ritual - By spending multiple rounds incanting a spell, you can use it without expending a spell slot. This can be done only once at a time, but the number of times it can be done can be increased by getting this perk multiple times. LVL 5 perk. Take a round per level of the spell.
Aura-sight - Your attunement to your aura lets you see through your third eye. With this ability, it becomes possible to observe the aura someone else carries. It allows one to see the colour of a soul to determine the element; to see the shape and colour of the auro to interpret matters such as intent, emotional stability and mood. LVL 5 perk. Requires 7 SAU.
Specifical targetting - With your precise ability to influence your magic, none of your 'area of effect' or group-targetting spells will now have a negative effect on allies, or positive effect on enemies. Highly recommend for water and light mages. LVL 5 perk. Requires 7 EMO.
Void-chanting - A pretty basic understanding of the void is just not enough to perform summoning. Void-chanting is a ritualistically practiced exercise that allows summoners better understanding and control over the void. Those that practice it, can have more summons yield to their instruction. LVL 5 perk. Can summon an additional void creature. Perk can be bought multiple times to increase this number.
Fire watcher - Fire is weird. It consumes, it creates... And when you look deep enough, it's alive. The practice of fire-watching has holy fire mages look into a candle flame for several hours at a time, sometimes without blinking. Might be bad for your eyes, but it helps maintain control over fire. LVL 5 perk. Can summon an additional holy fire creature. Perk can be bought multiple times.
Coetusologist - The term translates to 'group-doctor', which is exactly what a Coetusologist has earned their PhD for. Their spells are oriented towards healing multiple targets. LVL 6 perk. +2 to all involved stats of group-healing spells. Requires 8 INT, requirement increases by +2 for every additional perk level.
Psychiatrist - Specialists in the psychology and a mage with such a PhD would be considered well-versed in manipulating the psychology of others to inflict their strategies of illusion. LVL 6 perk. +2 to all involved stats of illusion spells. Requires 8 INT, requirement increases by +2 for every additional perk level.
Military Mediciologist - A term used to describe the medics of armies. Their magical arts orient themselves towards spells that have effects with both healing and damaging properties simultaneously. LVL 6 perk. +2 to all involved stats of spells that both heal and damage simultaneously when cast. Requires 8 INT, requirement increases by +2 for every additional perk level.
Archetrist - Specialists in the field of erecting defensive (magical) measures, often consulted by armies and cities when raising defences. They are oriented towards shielding spells and use them more effectively. LVL 6 perk. +2 to all involved stats of shielding spells when cast. Requires 8 INT, requirement increases by +2 for every additional perk level.
Shamanist - Shamanists are sorcerers with a PhD in the field of shaman spell use. They are valued highly for their abilities. LVL 6 perk. +2 to all involved stats of shaman spells when cast. Requires 8 INT, requirement increases by +2 for every additional perk level.
Necrologist - Many shun them for abilities, but when armies are set in their roughest position, necrologists are valued highly for their magic which involves raising the dead. LVL 6 perk. +2 to all involved stats of necromancy spells when cast. Requires 8 INT, requirement increases by +2 for every additional perk level.
Vocologist - 'Voco' meaning to call forth, which is exactly what vocologists do. They summon creatures of magic, for which they have earned their doctorate with skill. LVL 6 perk. +2 to all involved stats of holy fire, holy earth and holy void spells when cast. Requires 8 INT, requirement increases by +2 for every additional perk level.
Aura-cloaking - Even to those most attuned to their aura, yours remains a mystery. With this perk, you can give misinformation to someone using aura-sight on you. Only works if the person using aura-sight has a lower SAU than you. LVL 7 perk. Requires 8 SAU.
Mana pool - An advanced technique that allows a mage to exert massive amounts of mana into a single spell without disrupting its frequency. Following the simple mathematical equation of C / S = O, one can put multiple spell slots into the casting of a singular spell. First, the spell is cast with a required spell slot. Then, the spell is reinforced by any number of other spell slots. The Cumulative additional spell slots are then divided by the Spell level, equating in the additional spell slot power the spell gains. For example, by reinforcing a lvl 10 spell with 20 lvl 1 spell slots, one would get; 20 / 10 = 2. Meaning the spell is cast at the power of a level 10 + 2. Making it a level 12 spell slot cast without having to expend precious higher level slots. LVL 10 perk. Requires 9 SAU and 7 INT.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Prophecy] Prophecy Those who are marked by sycropahs bear the power of the prophecy. Possessing powers only they could hope to possess.
Touch of destruction - The auretical fragment has touched you through its destructive powers. But you remain unharmed. Live to fight another day. Automatically gained upon first contact with Saint James.
Touch of corruption - The corporeal fragment has touched you through his disease. But the prophecy protects you. Live to fight another day. Automatically gained upon first contact with the black blood disease.
Touch of creation - The aetherial fragment has touched you through his benevolent powers. You remain alive, but a stoneheart. Either that, or you're a prophecised construct. Automatically gained upon being reanimated by Turin.
Aura of death - The Saint cloaks your very being. A hunger has settled into your stomach that can not be sated. LVL 5 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of destruction'. +1 to score when targeting a vassal or draemora. Can be gained for free when killing your first draemora.
Closing wounds - The corruption and your body no longer fight. They have grown symbiotic, aiding one another. LVL 5 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of corruption'. Every round, a Bleed or Poison injury will heal by one degree automatically. Can be gained for free after completing your first task for Riachi.
Soul surge - The stoneheart binds with your soul more and more by the day. Allowing you to tap into the soul's fullest potential. LVL 5 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of creation'. Passively regenerate 1 spell slot, the level of which is equal to the amount of times you've bought this perk. Can be gained for free after killing an automaton boss.
Aura bending - Not even the gods know how to replicate this form of power. You do. They'll never see you coming. LVL 10 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of destruction'. Aura and soul can take on a shape of your chosing, fooling those with Aura Sight. Additionally, you can instantly identify a vassal or draemora by looking at them. Gained for free after killing two draemora.
Flesh mending - Tendrils of black blood come to your aid, shutting close wounds as they appear, even reattaching limbs lost. LVL 10 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of corruption' and 'closing wounds'. Every round, heal any injury by one degree automatically. Given enough time, this will also reattach dismembered limbs. Gained for free after completing a second Riachi task.
Creationism - Life flourishes around you, in whatever way it manifests. LVL 10 perk. Summons and necromancy no longer have time constraints. But you can not regenerate the spell slot used on these as long as they are not deactivated. Gained for free after killing a second automaton boss.
Tranquility of immortality - A stronger version of the "refocus" perk. Rather than converting two slots into a singular slot, this perk allows one to convert into multiple slots. Ex. 10x LVL5 skill slot to get 5x LVL 5 spell slot. Can be used instantly. LVL 10 perk. Must have gotten 'Refocus' and 'Touch of destruction', 'Touch of corruption' or 'Touch of creation'
Elemental mastery - The fragments do not concern themselves with constraints like elements. Those who bear their mark can agree. LVL 15 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of destruction', 'Touch of corruption' or 'Touch of creation'. Can now buy the base LVL 1-2 projectile spells of every element.
Power corrupts... - Corruption may be painful, but its effects have adapted to your body. Interactions with black blood cause you to gain power. LVL 15 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of corruption'. Taking damage from corrupted creatures/viro will increase STR, DEX or PER at random until the end of combat. Gained for free after completing your third Riachi task.
Soul's outpouring - The soul is a powerful device in the right hands. Especially for those who seek to control the unliving... LVL 15 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of creation'. Caster is no longer limited in how many undead or summons they can manifest, but each summon/necromancy will lower SAU by 1 point until the summon/undead is destroyed or expires. Gained for free after killing a third automaton boss.
Mark of the Godhunter - Crazed by the taste of draemora, you will never cease to seek the spilling of their blood. LVL 15 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of destruction'. When starting combat against a vassal/draemora, gain +10 stat points. These can be freely allocated in different stats during every round. Lasts until the draemora is killed or combat ends. Gained for free after killing three draemora.
Divine weapon - The fragments make use of a unique weapon that bends their very aura to be a device of war. LVL 20 perk. Must have gained 'Touch of destruction', 'Touch of corruption' or 'Touch of creation'. Casting time of all spells and skills halved. All spells and skills cast act as if they are 1 level slot higher. Repeated buying of this perk increases slot level increase.
Divine element - Unrestricted by the bonds of your lesser man, you can make use of whatever element you please. LVL 20 perk. Must have gained 'Elemental mastery''. Can buy spells off of any element, provided you have the right holy/unholy alignment for those elements.
Elemental distribution - Elements are relative, freely accessed or abandoned at will. LVL 25 perk. Must have gained 'Divine element'. All attacks can do an additional minor elemental damage of any kind.
Ambigious morality - No one has the right to decide for you what is right and wrong. For you are as much a god as those in the underworld. LVL 30 perk. Must have gained 'Divine element'. You are no longer restricted by holy and unholy alignments.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Robotics] Robotics Ever since ADF made functional, sentient combat bots, they have been making more and more upgrades to the software and hardware. A trend that other lesser companies have followed suit in. All of the following upgrades can be bought, be you a robot, or someone with cybernetic implants.
Magnified optics - A quite simple, but effective upgrade to the sensory arrays. This software upgrade clears up long-distance pictures, allowing the robot to essentially "Zoom in" on whatever they're viewing. +1 PER.
Sensitive sensors - Some tweaking to sensory programs allows the robot to be more finely attuned to their surroundings and observe more properly. +1 PER. +3 PER when being sneaked up on.
Auto loader - A hardware upgrade that instals a small, dedicated "thumb" on the underside of the arm. This auto-loader has a set 'reload' movement program that it will execute at a high speed, allowing for an increase in bolt-action weaponry speed and reload time. Halves reload time. Bolt action weapons fire faster.
Emergency battery - When at the brink of breaking down, the emergency battery will kick in. Giving the robot a boost of energy with which it can make a fast retreat. +5 DEX when severely damaged. Surge lasts 1 round.
Improved alloys - By replacing some of the standardised joints and covers of the robot, one can make leaps in structural integrity. +1 VIT. Can be bought multiple times.
Auto-interpreter - A very expensive but very useful modification that essentially allows the robot to use google translate in real time. With over 200 registered languages fully adapted into this upgrade, communication will never again be an obstacle. Can speak and understand any language, with the exception of old dranleish.
Shoulder mount - A turret position installed on the shoulder, allowing the robot to always have a gun (albeit low calibre) at the ready. Can install a one-handed ranged weapon on shoulder. This does not count towards the equipment limitations.
Automatised self-repair - Provided the robot has "mechanic" as its profession, this upgrade allows for it to repair itself continuously. Passive minor heal every round.
[/PTab={background-color:#181818}] [PTab=Vassalage] Vassalage Vassals have their own path to walk. There are those who embrace their position as vassal, those who reject it, and even those who channel their abbilities through the grace of their god. These perks do not have any stat point cost, but rather require actions throughout RP to be earned.
Championship - Granted through the blessing of a God or Goddess settled within the pantheon of the underworld. Those who receive such a status become blessed, gaining not only increased magic prowess, but also a considerable prestige and notoriety. Spells for the favoured element gain an automatic +1, without the typical increase in spell slot cost.
Acceptance - Some vassals decide to accept their draemora, thereby learning to coexist. A certain degree of mutual respect is, of course, necessary. LVL 10 perk. Birth magi is upgraded with a stronger or additional effect. (can be repeated for every individual draemora)
Rejection - Some vassals manage to resist their draemora. The two will become hostile towards one another; barring access to the birth magi in exchange for raw power. LVL 10 perk. Birth magi effects are cancelled; get 3 additional stat points to allocate freely. (can be repeated for every individual draemora)
Hunter's sense - Created by Rasputin the Grey Hunter. This ability attunes the senses to the specific energies of Draemora, and translates those sensations into physical perceptions. It allows one to smell, taste, and feel other Draemora and Vassals when they are nearby. If Rasputin is to be believed, Draemora smell 'appetizing'. LVL 10 perk. Sense the presence and closeness (but not the exact location) of any Draemora or Vassal in a 10km radius.
Vindicator - Borne from true hatred. Vindicators make a lethal vow to a god or gods, promising death to them. Those who choose such a status become cursed, which leads to the strength gained from tribulations. Most social circles will shun them and their name becomes infamous. Skills gain an automatic +1, without the typical increase in skill slot cost.
Take the wheel - At times, a saving grace can be all you need. When at death's door, the vassal's primary draemora will take over control and lead their vassal to safety; or go on a rampage, depending on their prior relationship. LVL 15 perk. Only works once.
Symbiosis - In rare cases, vassals reach a state of perfect symbiosis with their draemora. This grants them increasingly stronger birth magi synergism. LVL 20 perk. Birth magi is upgraded with a stronger or additional effect (can be repeated for every individual draemora)
Dominion - Passing a state of rejection, the vassal takes full control over themselves once again. The draemora is pushed to the background of their mind, while their power increased further. LVL 20 perk. Birth magi effects remain cancelled. Gain an additional 3 stat points to allocate freely. (can be repeated for every individual draemora)
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